Southern Cross Quilters is an online quilt group for Australians and New Zealanders and expats of those countries.
Currently hosted at YahooGroups, SCQuilters has existed since 1994 and has about 2200 members.

To join the group, go to and read the instructions. Don't forget to tell us your affiliation with Australia or New Zealand and provide us with your location and postcode.

08 December 2015

Christmas time again!

It hardly seems possible but we're almost at Christmas again!

Our groups are having their end of year parties and what a lovely time they've been having!

The Sydney SCQuilters had their last 2015 meeting on Dec 5 and as usual, there were all kinds of high jinks. Pennie has reported in full on their blog, of course! Annie sent around a tin to collect Gold Coins for the Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia Foundation and she reports that $100.00 was collected which will buy:-
2 x Dress Nightgown and Bedding - $60.00
20 x Pairs of Rubber Slippers for patients with no shoes - $40.00   

Well done, Sydney SCQuilters!

They had a lot of fun with Pennie's infamous Christmas Quiz and she's kindly listed the questions and answers on the blog, for our information.

And of course, there was show and tell. This beautiful Christmas quilt was made by Heather. Isn't it gorgeous?

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