Southern Cross Quilters is an online quilt group for Australians and New Zealanders and expats of those countries.
Currently hosted at YahooGroups, SCQuilters has existed since 1994 and has about 2200 members.

To join the group, go to and read the instructions. Don't forget to tell us your affiliation with Australia or New Zealand and provide us with your location and postcode.

13 November 2015

Lisa Walton - Leap And The Net Will Appear

Lisa Walton will give the final QSG of NSW talk of the year on the 21st of November 2015. Lisa has been awarded many prizes for her quilts in Australian and International quilt shows and also teaches across Australia, New Zealand, the USA, UK, Europe and South Africa. She was awarded the 2010 Jewel Pearce Patterson Scholarship for Quilting Teachers by the International Quilt Association, Houston USA.

Lisa's topic is entitled -  ‘'Leap and the net will appear'. Sometimes great opportunities occur but we are afraid to take that leap due to natural fear of rejection or humiliation”. Lisa will talk about how taking that leap often leads to even more exciting opportunities.

Further details of Lisa's talk can be found at the following web page;

The talk starts at 2pm on Saturday the 21st November and is being held in the meeting room at The Glover Cottages, 124 Kent Street, Millers Point.

The cost to attend is $5 for Quilt NSW members and $10 for non-members. Afternoon tea is provided.

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