Southern Cross Quilters is an online quilt group for Australians and New Zealanders and expats of those countries.
Currently hosted at YahooGroups, SCQuilters has existed since 1994 and has about 2200 members.

To join the group, go to and read the instructions. Don't forget to tell us your affiliation with Australia or New Zealand and provide us with your location and postcode.

31 August 2013

Virtual Quilt Show: Kay Dungavell

Kay Dungavell, Peaceful Pathways

Peaceful Pathways, designed by Esther Aliu and made by Kay Dungavell, Charters Towers for her daughter Sari.


Anonymous said...

Kay, I love this quilt! I'm currently doing a "year of grey" and I think it's elegant and beautiful. Congratulations on this wonderful one. It fits so nicely on the bed.

Ozjane said...

Love the colors as well as the pattern in this one.
Clever lady.